Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pizza on the Grill

I don't know about you, but on hot, sunny days the LAST thing I want to be doing is cooking in my kitchen. As soon as it's warm enough for me to stand outside for 15 minutes without freezing my nose off, I spark up my grill. I have become quite adept at grilling just about anything, to be completely humble. One of my favourite summer entertaining recipes is grilled pizza. It is relatively impressive, and it elevates pizza from "frat house" to "trattoria."

You will need:

1. 1 lbs of store bought or homemade pizza dough
2. Olive oil
3. toppings of your choice. I used:


1. Preheat the grill to medium high. To tell if your grill is at the right temperature, use the "hand test." Hold your hand about two inches ABOVE the grill palm down. If you can hold it there for three seconds before you have to pull it away, your grill is at medium high heat. 

2. Be sure you have all your toppings prepped and ready to go on your pizza as soon as you flip it. You have to work quickly here!

3. Stretch out your pizza dough carefully. Try not to get any holes in it as you work it in. Pizzas on the grill are quite rustic in shape, so don't try to be too precious here. It won't be a perfect circle. 

4. Oil up your grates before carefully placing the dough onto the grill.  

5. Close the lid and let the dough grill up for about three or four minutes. Keep an eye and be vigilant. The crust goes from perfect to scorched quickly!

6. When the dough releases easily from the grill, it is ready to be flipped using a pair of tongs. 

7. Working quickly, add your toppings and close the lid on your grill. Let everything cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Keep a close eye and check often.

Get creative with your toppings! Try arugula, prosciutto and feta or tomato, shredded basil and fresh mozzarella. 

Happy grilling!  



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Karen! I can assure you, this pizza tastes even better than it looks!

  2. This is going on my summer 'recipes to try' list! I have never grilled a pizza - dough and all. This looks perfect for a patio dinner, thanks!

    1. For how quick and easy it really is (not to even mention delicious!) I'm not sure why this method isn't more popular!

  3. Oh my, this looks absolutely scrumptious!!! I'll definitely have to try this sometime soon!
    xo TJ

    1. Thanks for stopping by, TJ! I hope you'll give it a try. It's totally as scrumptious as it looks!

  4. this looks delicious!
    my husband makes great homemade pizza so we would definitely love to try this...if only we had a place to grill!

    new follower :)

    1. Thanks for following along! Lovely to "meet" another Toronto mama at large ;)
