Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Bunny, you shouldn't have!

I've basically been excited to celebrate Lili's first Easter since the second Christmas ended. Growing up, Easter was a pretty big deal. My mom always did the whole nine yards with the egg hunt and the baskets as well as the family dinner (my favourite part, obv.) I'm excited to start our own traditions (egg tree, anyone?) and keep the others going as Lili gets older. This year there won't be an egg hunt, but her Easter basket is completely ready.

I had planned on picking up one of these for baby girl, but I cheaped out at the last second and decided I would make her one by hand. After a lot of sewing (read: swearing and throwing spools of thread) it looked like a Frankenbasketliner...so I said "eff it"..."eff" as in "forget" of course. So this year there will be no basket liner, and only time will tell if this is something that will be required. I'm kind of digging the plain basket with a simple bow at the moment.

Here's what I filled baby girl's first Easter Basket with. I know this is not exactly sane or logical to do for a child under the age of one, but I'm just too excited not to!

Since Easter is the harbinger of spring for me, it can come aaaaany time now. Yep...any time.

1 comment :

  1. LD,

    I love your blog! Looks like L got some good stuff.

